Monday, March 28, 2011

Go for it

What would really get you going today? What would make you so excited, so enthusiastic, so motivated, and so full of energy that you literally could not stop until you had it done?

Everyone is motivated by something. What is it that gets you going? What is it that would compel you to transcend any obstacle, to do whatever is necessary to pursue it?

Dreams and reality

Sometimes it seems that what is practical and sensible does not connect with your most treasured dreams. Yet when you look deeply enough, the connection is most certainly there. For if you could not dream, what would be the point of tending to the practical things? And if you did not tend to those practical concerns, how could you ever hope to attain your dreams?

Stop fretting about how the things you must do are interfering with the things you want to do. Instead, discover and appreciate and strengthen the connection between the two. Make your dreams a part of your reality. And make your reality a part of your dreams. There is no reason why your dreams must oppose your reality. Improve your dreams and your reality by bringing them together. Put the power of passion into the day-to-day, sensible and practical things, and put the power of reality into your dreams. You’ll find it to be a winning combination indeed.

What you will do

Forget about what you can’t do. Focus on what you will do. Dream big dreams and make workable plans that will get you there. Then put those plans into action and do what you will do.
Allow the beauty and richness of your dreams to expand your concept of what you are willing to do. This is your life and you deserve to give yourself the very best.

Intensely feel the accomplishment in your imagination. Let that incomparable feeling of satisfaction push you forward. Focus on what you will do and you’ll discover that it is more than enough. You have within you the capacity, the ability and the drive to reach whatever dreams are meaningful to you. Every day is an opportunity for richness and fulfillment. Feel what you will do, and why, and make today the best one yet.

— Ralph Marston

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Energy of your passion

If you don’t like the problems and shortcomings in your life and in your world, stop giving so much of your attention to them. Instead of being sick and tired and upset about the way things are, be positively passionate about the way you would like things to be. You will naturally attract into your experience those things you focus on most passionately. The problem is, you move in the direction of what you passionately despise just as surely as you move toward what you passionately desire.