Nobody else can de-motivate you – you have to do it yourself. Be careful, though, because along the way, you could be inspired by others.
You have to keep focusing on staying de-motivated. It’s not as easy as you might think!
#10 – Don’t work at something you enjoy. If you love what you do, you just might find yourself motivated to do it. Do something you hate and you’re bound to stay de-motivated.
#9 – Don’t get enough sleep.
When you sleep, your body refreshes. You may risk moments of motivation if this happens. So stay up late watching mindless television, stay out late with your friends, and get hammered. It’s a great way to stay de-motivated.
#8 – Be negative about everything.
Wake up and say things like …
“I hate my job and the people I work with.”
“People suck.”
“Nobody will buy from me today.”
“My boss is a jerk.”
Keep telling yourself how bad everything else is. Oh, and don’t forget to share your misery with as many people as you can. If you do this, you’ll be sure to stay de-motivated.
#7 – Work all the time.
Don’t ever make any time for fun. If all you ever do is work, you’ll soon come to resent your work. Never make time for anything else, especially things that might lift your spirits and give you a needed break. All work and no play is a sure-fire way to stay de-motivated.
#6 – Eat terrible food and avoid exercise so you don’t have much energy.
If you have energy, you might feel like doing something. You can’t have that! A diet full of junk food combined with no exercise is the recipe for staying de-motivated.
#5 – Tell yourself how much of a failure you are.
Use affirmations such as “I’m a loser.” Get out your permanent marker and write a huge “L” on your forehead. Always remind yourself how bad you are, of the goals you haven’t reached, of anything you’re unhappy with about yourself. Fill your mind with negative thoughts about yourself so you can have a positively de-motivating day!
#4 – Hang out with people who complain all the time.
We’ll warn you … positive people can rub off on you. So spend your time with people who aren’t going anywhere and are full of excuses why they’re staying put. They’ll help you stay de-motivated.
#3 – Stay away from success stories.
Reading or hearing these may just make you think you can do it, too. Don’t look to successful people for a model on how to succeed. Just dismiss their success as luck and be jealous. That will keep you de-motivated.
#2 – Don’t ever do anything to change your circumstances.
You don’t have any control over them anyway, so why try? Sure, you could spend your time trying to make a better life for yourself, but you might just succeed at it and then get motivated. You can’t have that – accept that there are no opportunities for you. You’re just living out your fate. That will keep you de-motivated.
#1 – Listen to the news.
It’s sure to keep your spirits low. Bad news is good news when it comes to keeping yourself de-motivated.
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